February 13, 2025
James Fahy

Your favourite eagle-voiced, talkin'-too-much, finger-picking songwriter **James Fahy** is back at Melbourne's live music prodigy, Shotkickers.
This time he's joined by both:
**BRIAN CAMPEAU,** one of the great hidden treasures of Australia’s music scene, whose combination of experimental sampling, sublime vocals and intricate guitar patterning draws influence from Dirty Projectors, Perfume Genius, Fever Ray, and Sufjan Stevens and more, manifesting in tracks that flaunt elements of minimalism, indie-pop, folk and boisterous composition, all at different times.
**YI-LYNN**, the mesmerising songwriter whose most recent EP featured woodwinds, an excoriation of the same-sex marriage plebiscite, and some gliding Joanna Newsom-adjacent vocal inflections.
If you haven't been to Shotkickers, it's a must-have stamp in your live music passport, and you'll be bragging about it for the rest of that very new year 2025.
We'll each be playing a set there starting some time after 7.30.
Check out Brian's music here: **[https://brian-campeau.bandcamp.com/music](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbrian-campeau.bandcamp.com%2Fmusic%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0xLwmiUaAk901-bDd3XY6KyCYNTlSK_X6yhldsJBbbLztgbGuEPGHyhC0_aem_s8hvDzKvRgSPU_LIbzW1_Q&h=AT0uTOcPYys3aj4VqTvPpP8CTt83ETIkoB2cUyo6PZREMkV9IN6yVsTwLP_D7jdAq7txELRpDLDTF7yb3N-spUeR3TouPJbj-a1qNeb8c_3uHRCNrymva1tJraSH5FOn2lE1nG4&__tn__=q&c[0]=AT1iYrNE-1knMzB_H5D8TGuoePoRdAs6hB4HkH1qto7Q3qbzvHbQ_RRPwLEns3w6IkUHNrK6uaF-cgJkK5Kvqwj4JZt5bp_GVVvPGkVa_QkaMgxfQJLiKeo_s1T4sQgsDwv2dIwN6VIjnXyIyNGSv_iM84e4AcHchJ-Iww)**
...Yi-Lynn's music here:
...and all of my latest bits and pieces here: **[https://linktr.ee/jamesfahymusic](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Fjamesfahymusic%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0xLwmiUaAk901-bDd3XY6KyCYNTlSK_X6yhldsJBbbLztgbGuEPGHyhC0_aem_s8hvDzKvRgSPU_LIbzW1_Q&h=AT0dJaCde48tdmCnJrl4OIl1mdvGyjz6-V6X30me_SQ1qOlUROEaik0c8_pmRHJ6vjUZAU9w1D3MOqqdqigM-pE0zj6S7xE2RqsMpGGS9NhgSkgK4fYiSWbOmXG0VV40mKzTjB4&__tn__=q&c[0]=AT1iYrNE-1knMzB_H5D8TGuoePoRdAs6hB4HkH1qto7Q3qbzvHbQ_RRPwLEns3w6IkUHNrK6uaF-cgJkK5Kvqwj4JZt5bp_GVVvPGkVa_QkaMgxfQJLiKeo_s1T4sQgsDwv2dIwN6VIjnXyIyNGSv_iM84e4AcHchJ-Iww)**
We acknowledge the Wurundjeri people and the extended clans of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we live, learn, work and create. We thank them for sharing the land and we recognise their continuing connection to Country, ceremony, song and story.
Love youse all and see you there,
ID: A gig poster with three portrait shots of performers, all looking wistful and charismatic and interesting, two with short hair and facial hair, the other with long hair and eye shadow.
Around the image is messy text in cream on a kind of salmon-coloured rhombus that says "BRIAN CAMPEAU, YI-LYNN, JAMES FAHY" and underneath, it continues "$10 Shotkickers Thornbury, 13 Feb 2025"